Thursday, March 12, 2020

Thoughts on Death Parade

Another "review" on another anime. Premise seemed interesting--pairs of people die and go to a bar where an bartender/arbiter and his assistant makes them play a game so he can judge whether they get reincarnated or go to the void. The arbiter isn't a human but his assistant is, so it brings up some questions about ethics and existence which kind of gets addressed in the overarching plot. Each episode will usually show a pair of people being judged, with a mystery-like element where you try to figure out the characters' lives as you watch them play the game. There's more to it, but I think that covers the gist of what the series is about. I wouldn't recommend this for younger or squeamish audiences, as there are some violent scenes/situations (though I think the first episode depicted the most violence, so if you are okay with that one it's not as bad for the rest). The characters are likable, there isn't a ton of character development for most of them but they feel quite fleshed out in their design. Sometimes shows try to make all the characters look distinct (which is important for the most part), but it's done in a somewhat outrageous way that doesn't feel cohesive... I'm not sure how else to explain it. However, the character design here seems thoughtful and considered--except the human assistant's outfit, which had her midriff showing. It just didn't feel aligned with her personality, and was kind of fan service-y (but that was the only part of the show that felt like it could be fan service, which is still impressive in my book). Overall I enjoyed it, I would watch the next season if they ever make one. It's not based off of a manga or light novel so the ending was able to have some closure, though there's only so much you can do in 12 episodes. I will say that the intro song ("Flyers" by BRADIO) was catchy, I voluntarily watched the opening for every episode so I could listen to it.

Uhh not sure how to end this, that's all I have to say.

Edit (3/24/2020): added image

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